Dec 22, 2010


Here's a poster I just finished for the Say Something Poster Project. The online voting period ends DECEMBER 31ST and I have to get enough votes/points to be in the top 100 (out of 200 or so).
SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE FOR MY POSTER BEFORE DECEMBER 31st! You can type in my name to find it instead of scrolling through. I'm not sure how long it takes them to get the posters up there but it should be soon. You can probably vote multiple times if you'd like. Just sayin...I know I will. Thanks friends!

Dec 12, 2010

like spiders across the stars

My current desktop background, inspired by Jack Kerouac.

Dec 9, 2010

This was originally intended as part of my UNTOLD STORIES Series but it was more dependent on pretty shapes and lines than a story.

Dec 5, 2010

SC State Fair 2009

3 consecutive shots taken at last year's state fair. No, not the one a few months ago...